First some basic info
Email phishing is a type of fraud where cyber criminals send emails that appear to be from legitimate companies. The goal is to trick the target which can be you into sharing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, or personal data. Simply clicking on a link can provide them your IP address, browser and device info, timestamps and referrer info that's why its important to recognize them even the more difficult ones and then to report them to the correct site. If you for example think the site is legit and it will seem legit and you enter your personal info (login) they will have a lot more and that is exactly what we are trying to avoid!
First step
Even though some can be difficult to spot many phishing emails will have grammatical errors or unusual sentence structures. Also be cautious if the email contains unexpected attachments or links.
Second step
Carefully examine the sender's email address, and lets copy it.
Go to a browser and type (website url soon) that is where you paste the email address and where you will get relevant information about the email address. Like how old it is, if is been used malicious activity and more. Especially when the email address is new then it can be a red flag.
Third step
VirusTotal for URL and attachments. It can check links and attachments using VirusTotal to ensure that they are safe. This site will be mostly correct 90-95 precent please explore it a bit, it's fun easy to use and can help you also with reporting because VirusTotal will save that data and also then can alert other people when they have the same issue.
More info will be here soon i currently work alone on this site so please understand that this is not so easy ^^
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